At their wedding, the theme was country and can you guess what the footwear was? Well, #@*kicking cowboy boots, or course! Naturally, we needed to incorporate the family culture into their newborn session with baby Jordy Max.

They brought their own beautiful boots and a pair that Jordy may take some more time to grow into. Although… maybe sooner than later because this little guy’s getting bigger by the day! He was a looong baby to begin with (or should I say tall?). He’ll be wearing boots before you know it. I really enjoyed getting to get to know Jordy and his very nice parents. I’m excited for our next couple of sessions together to chart his growth!

Flagstaff Family Portrait Photographer • Flagstaff Maternity Pregnancy Photographer • Flagstaff Newborn Photographer • Flagstaff Child Photographer • Flagstaff Senior Portrait Photographer • Flagstaff Couples Photography
Kristen Dacey Iwai of KDI Photography is a full-time professional portrait photographer based in Flagstaff, Arizona with decades of experience. Making portraits of families, pregnancy, newborns, babies, children, and high school seniors in her downtown studio and on location, she serves clients from Flagstaff, Sedona, Tuba City, Winslow, Payson, Page, Williams, Prescott, Mesa, Scottsdale, Phoenix, Arizona