I’m not gonna lie. It wasn’t that easy to wait. I’m not super patient when it comes to crazy amounts of adorableness! I eagerly awaited meeting Chris and Amy’s second daughter, but I ALSO had to wait a bit longer to make portrait of her! Her big sister had made her photographic debut with me at 8 weeks (see her newborn portraits here ) and we wanted to document her little sister during that same time window. (An idea I LOVE, by the way, except for the patience required.) Since they live quite close to us, I’d see them strolling around our neighborhood, with sweet little Piper but, no newborn portraits for a bit.
Of course, it was worth the suspense. In fact, on the day of our session, it was a blast. Newborn Piper needed to eat a lot to fuel her growth, so that left me with the chance to play a bunch of hide and seek with her big sis Porter. We giggled hard, hiding in my studio curtains, under chairs, and behind backgrounds. She showed me the amazing book she was coloring – a rainbow book about seeds into blooming flowers. It reminded me of a session we did in the Flagstaff sunflowers when she was one, Porter pausing to lean over and smell each one (click here to see her 12 month portraits in the beautiful Flagstaff outdoors).
In between rounds of hide and seek, she was so gentle and kind to her newborn sister, holding her with care. It was just riveting to see how much the sisters were alike and yet, also quite different at this significant moment. Now, I have to work on my patience again, and wait for our upcoming 12 month session!! Stay tuned. 🙂
Kristen Dacey Iwai of KDI Photography is a full-time professional portrait photographer based in Flagstaff, Arizona with more than 2 decades of experience. Making portraits of families, pregnancy, newborns, babies, children, high school seniors and for businesses in her downtown studio and on location, she serves clients from Flagstaff, Sedona, Tuba City, Winslow, Payson, Page, Williams, Prescott, Mesa, Scottsdale, Phoenix, Arizona
Flagstaff Family Portrait Photographer • Flagstaff Maternity Pregnancy Photographer • Flagstaff Newborn Photographer • Flagstaff Child Photographer • Flagstaff Senior Portrait Photographer • Flagstaff Couples Photography