
Live Like Mason – A Heartbroken Mom’s Words of Wisdom


Wow, there is a lot of love in this room. A lot of sadness, but a lot of love. Look at how beautiful that little boy is.


I was contemplating talking about the most dramatic poop experience with you all but I suppose it would be a good ice breaker. 5 weeks ago I let my Mason go without a diaper for no more than 3 minutes. I wanted to watch his cute little naked butt running around for a short period of time. As I was watching him I noticed he was giving me the look….The, I’m going to poop on the floor look. From that second on everything was in slow motion. I said buddy, don’t do it… I stood up and as I was going to pick him up he pooped right on the floor…then I stepped in it. So there I was standing in my daughters room on one foot holding a naked baby who was ready to fire at any given moment. I started yelling for Mikey…


First Communion Portraits – Flagstaff Family Photographer

When the Rodriguez family first arrived at my studio, they appeared, in a group. Since then, whenever I meet with them, there’s usually quite a few members of the family present. It makes sense, since they comprise two of the three local families that own the delicious Tacos Los Altos on Route 66 here in Flagstaff Arizona. Running the family restaurant business together, I’m sure they’re used to the need for lots of familial cooperation! Being really passionate about their food and about their customers means a lot of hard work. If you haven’t been to Tacos Los Altos, you need to go because it’s quite yummy:

The two oldest daughters in each family were about to receive their First Communion and we needed to celebrate this important rite of passage. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed being with them and being entrusted with documenting such a meaningful moment in their lives. Being with this family always brings a smile to my face and I hope we’ll get to make more portraits together down the road.

First Communion Portrait, Flagstaff, AZFirst Communion Portrait, Flagstaff, AZ First Communion Portrait, Flagstaff, AZ

First Communion Portrait, Flagstaff, AZFirst Communion Portrait, Flagstaff, AZ First Communion Portrait, Flagstaff, AZ First Communion Portrait, Flagstaff, AZFirst Communion Portrait, Flagstaff, AZ       First Communion Portrait, Flagstaff, AZ First Communion Portrait, Flagstaff, AZ

The story behind the sign – portrait memories in Flagstaff

It’s the first time I cried while changing the picture on our photography studio’s sign. We switch the portraits on our sign every few months but we put this portrait of a father and son up for a very different reason than the usual. We want to honor a friend who just passed away unexpectedly. Ed George was an amazing cinematographer/ still photographer, and an all-around great guy. Every time I saw him, his passion for his work, his family, and his life were very evident. His inner delight and enthusiasm shined out of his crystal clear, crinkly blue eyes. You can see some of his character in these portraits with his son, Kyle.

Father and Son Portrait, Flagstaff, AZ

A few months ago, I was talking to Ed about his latest globe-trotting adventures. He’d been to several countries recently, was working on an amazing film project here in town and then planned to gallivant off to yet another exotic locale. Through his work, he’d been stalked by lions, filmed anacondas, swam with sharks. I said “Wow, Ed! Do you ever stop to realize that you have an amazing, enviable life? I mean, so many people only dream of the kind of life you have and would probably love to trade places with you!” He paused, smiled and said, “Yeah, well I’m not getting rich, but yes, it  is a great life. I really feel grateful.”

Father and Son Portrait, Flagstaff, AZ

This beautiful, very short film about Ed George is worth watching.

He will be missed.

A Special Senior Portrait in Flagstaff, AZ

I first encountered Abbie when she was just a little little. During her family portraits, she and her siblings were adorably loving and sweet. An early example here, although her brother’s not so sure about the snuggling!children snuggling, Flagstaff, AZ

Watching the 3 kids in this family grow, that loving sweetness hasn’t changed. Something that has changed is that Abbie has blossomed into a brilliant artist,  committed runner, passionate skier, and someone who loves great books.  She has also, unfortunately, has had way more than her fair share of health challenges. Diagnosed with Dysautonomia, she has spent an enormous amount of time in the hospital and has been in an out of a wheelchair. She has seizures and chronic pain, she passes out, she sometimes loses the ability to speak, walk or use her hands. And yet, she rises with determination over and over again and resumes pursuing all of her many interests and talents. She doesn’t seem to let anything stop her for very long. It’s a quality that she shares with Olympic athletes I’ve photographed.

With all of this in mind, we set out to make a senior portrait of Abbie making art and also outdoors in her beloved snowy Flagstaff.

Senior Portrait, Flagstaff, AZThe manner in which Abbie makes her art shows her sheer will. She will set up her materials anywhere – in a cluttered office, on the floor, wherever she can find space. And what she creates is remarkable. Her work reveals the beauty inside her and also sometimes unveils her physical and emotional pain, too.

Senior Portrait, Flagstaff, AZI love how you can see in her face the strength she has inside.

Senior Portrait in snow, Flagstaff, AZSenior Portrait in snow, Flagstaff, AZSenior Portrait in snow, Flagstaff, AZSenior Portrait in snow, Flagstaff, AZAbbie’s so inspiring that she’s one of 4 nominees for a scholarship – an A.C.E. Award (Accepting the Challenge of Excellence)  from the Exchange Club of Flagstaff. The A.C.E. Award is presented to a senior high school student who has shown perseverance and success in meeting difficult personal and academic challenges in his or her high school experience.

Sounds right up her alley.

Senior Portrait in snow, Flagstaff, AZ

You can read more about Abbie’s health and her phenomenal art in a recent article in the Arizona Daily Sun here.

BLE – Family Portraits in Sedona, AZ

I first photographed Annette when she was pregnant with her youngest daughter, who is now in middle school. I remember her reporting that her husband Nate loved a portrait of her laughing hard, holding her round belly. When I finally met him, I saw that humor was so much a part of who he was. If you live in Flagstaff, you undoubtedly know that Nate passed away in 2012 in an accident, leaving behind a huge hole in our community. Over the years that I knew him, he expertly modeled four things for me:
1. Make sure that the people you love, know it.
2. Be comfortable in your own skin.
3. Bring humor with you wherever you go.
4. Help when you can.
His family is amazing and they’ve let his life and remarkable style be a reminder to all of us to make it the Best Life Ever. BLE. Each of these 4 unique beautiful souls are so dear to me. They always make me laugh hard when we’re together and this session in Oak Creek was no different. All of them have the family humor, strength and kindness. I hope you can get a sense of that in these portraits.

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Summer Portraits in Flagstaff – Northern Arizona Child Photographer

Seriously, is there any more profound joy than witnessing a 1 year old learning to walk? If you then take that scene and drop it into a beautiful Flagstaff location with fun, kind parents, it’s pretty amazing. We wandered around, following the lead of beautiful, smart Porter, who truly LOVES to stop and smell the flowers. She’s a reminder of mindfulness and wonder.FamilyPortraitsFlagstaff15_001FamilyPortraitsFlagstaff15_002FamilyPortraitsFlagstaff15_005

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Guest Blog Post: Roots and Wings

This week, as I find myself speaking with parents that are sending their kids off to college, I hear a jumble of feelings. Joy, excitement, parental pride intertwined with grief and sadness, to name a few. I’m reminded of how the theme of letting go recurs throughout parenthood.

Flagstaff Family and Baby Photographer

From the time our children learn to walk, our job is to help them without hovering, and that balancing act continues as we send them off to college. How much contact and support is the right amount?

I heard a quote that sums it up:

Flagstaff Family Portrait by KDI Photography

A wise woman once said to me that there are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these she said is roots, the other, wings. 

                               – Hodding Carter


I thought this would be an especially good time to share one of my very favorite blog posts from one of my very favorite writers on the planet, Juliette Fay. If you haven’t read her novels yet, you’re in for a treat.  She’s amazing.  I hope you enjoy her story of sending her first child off to college.

Letting Her Go: A Daughter Leaves the Nest

photo by Leslie Fenn

In the week after my first child, a daughter, was born, my hormones took me on one heck of a thrill ride. Up, down, exuberant, weeping, weirdly angry with my husband for not understanding. And who could blame him? I didn’t understand it myself. Yet every feeling was so deeply real and rational in the moment, it seemed he should be right there with me. Thank God he wasn’t.

I remember with crystal clarity staring at this tiny bundle of soft vulnerability, and realizing at full volume what I had taken on. Not just the care and feeding of another human being, for which I was fully prepared—I’m an oldest child, had babysat my way through high school and worked with kids for a large portion of my career. I’d had thirty years of preparation.

What I hadn’t figured on was this: I had willingly agreed to a lifetime of desperation.

Desperate love of a kind I’d never known. Desperate worry. And a thought blinked across my hormone-addled, sleep-starved brain like an LED warning sign over the highway: THIS WILL NEVER END.

Before she was born, I had considered parenthood from my own daughterly perspective. I grew up and moved away and my parents stopped taking care of me. Their job wound down to check-ins when I went to college, and ended completely when I graduated and moved across the country. They have their own lives; they don’t “parent” anymore.



Portraits for an Early Newborn – Flagstaff Baby Photographer

We had it on the calendar, we were scheduled to make pregnancy portraits in  Flagstaff’s sunlit flowers, everything was set. But before we got the chance, newborn Felix made his arrival, five weeks sooner than planned.  Izabel, Aaron and I were all sad to miss out on doing the pregnancy session but it was wonderful to make newborn portraits of this healthy little guy and his older sister. He was a prince, and put up with all the snuggling just like he was a full term baby.KDIFlagstaffNewbornPhotographer001

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Flagstaff Photographer’s Blog Gets a Makeover

I read the information with that sinking feeling you get when something lands on your desk that you would vehemently prefer to avoid. Google was changing its search engine rules and soon my blog would essentially be invisible online. People searching for a northern Arizona photographer or portraits in Flagstaff wouldn’t be able to find me and my blog. I needed expert help because it was way above my skill set and let’s be honest, “vintage” is not cool when it comes to internet-based technology.

My friend Drake Louks knew exactly what to do, of course. He basically gave this dusty old blog a renovation and here it is now, running smoothly, looking refreshed. I am so grateful to Drake but I’ll admit… I’m also feeling a tiny bit proud of myself! He really empowered me to learn how to manage a lot of the behind-the-scenes technical stuff myself too. I’m astonished that I’m actually having fun with it now. Thanks, Drake! If you want to take advantage of Drake’s mad IT skills, get in touch with him yourself at Arizona Tech Advisors.


Drake with his right hand dog, Carl – the sweetest, most patient dog ever. Carl is wonderful, except for the recent skunking, which I’m happy report I wasn’t subjected to when I photographed him. 🙂Professional Portrait Flagstaff AZ

Keiji Iwai & Kristen Dacey Iwai



724 N. Humphreys St

Flagstaff, AZ 86001



(928) 779-4151



M - F 9 - 5 by appointment

KDI Photography Portrait Studio in Flagstaff, Az