
Flagstaff Photographer – Real Beauty

I try with every session I photograph to show people the goodness I see in them. I find women to be the toughest on themselves and are often the most self-critical, especially about their appearance. If I could, I would show EVERY woman how beautiful she is, how she is way more than the sum of her perceived flaws. If you’re a woman who is less than comfortable with the way you look (or knows someone who fits that description) take the 3 minutes to watch this commercial.

Flagstaff Portraits – NEW KDI WEBSITE COMING SOON :)

I’m so excited right now because I’m almost done with my new website. My old website was flash and therefore invisible on iPads, mobile phones and search engines. It’s a wonder anyone ever found me! This one is a nice update, but I think it still looks like me. I hope when it’s done you’ll check it out and tell me what you think. I like having both the blog and the website that I can update with new images. My website will still be at and it will look like this:

Flagstaff Portrait Photographer – 5 reasons to have portraits done during summer

Are you thinking of waiting until the fall to get portraits of your family? Here are my top five reasons to have your family portraits made during the summer:

1. Coordinating schedules is usually easier for families in the summer. You wont have to work around school events, sports, lessons and other after-school activities.


2. People often feel more “portrait-ready” in the summer. They’re outdoors, getting tan and are usually more active than during the holidays.

3. Your stress level will be dramatically reduced when your holiday gift giving & holiday cards are completed before the rush sets in.

4. Photographers (like me) have far more availability in the summer than during the fall, so getting the time slot you want is a lot easier.


Laughing Girl Summer Portrait


5. If you prefer outdoor portraits, summer in Flagstaff is an amazing time. It’s truly beautiful outside.



How long has it been since your last real family portrait? Families change fast, and it’s a great feeling to know you’ve captured these precious days together. So put something on the calendar. You are going to feel so smart!



flagstaff portraits – avoiding holiday photo regrets

Here’s my holiday wish. When you are gathering with the people you love over the holidays, please, please take pictures, especially of those older family members. When the menorah is put away, the tree is on the curb, the food eaten, presents opened, what you’ll be left with is (hopefully) warm memories. Years from now, those memories will be a lot less fuzzy if you have some pictures to remind you of them.

My Random Tips for Holiday Pictures:

1. Let’s be candid.
No need to annoy everyone by making them stop to look at the camera and yell “Cheese!” You’ll be transported back to the moment better later if the subjects were “in the moment” when you took the picture.

2. Yes, you too.
Make sure you are actually in some of the pictures. I recently noticed that of all the images of our family decorating the tree over the years, I wasn’t in one of them! It’s like I wasn’t there. It was time to hand over the camera for a change. I don’t want my kids and grandkids to be sitting together looking at these pictures later and wondering “Where was grandma?”

3. Perfect is the enemy of the good.
You don’t need perfect hair or even a clean house. Come as you are. If you wait for the perfect moment, you’ll likely miss the opportunity altogether.

This is the last portrait I made of my great aunt Louise. We were at a family gathering and I had just given her a print of herself as a young woman. I remember thinking “I wish I had asked her to move into a nicer chair.” Now that she’s gone, I have a clear memory of her happily sitting in that little lawn chair lakeside. It doesn’t matter that it’s not perfect. I’m just so grateful to have this.

4. Get ready!
What do you have to do right now to be ready? New batteries? Empty that full card in your camera? Learn how to use that new cel phone camera app? If you do that now, it’ll be easy to grab the camera when the time comes.

I hope this is a helpful reminder. I wish you a peaceful and fun holiday season!

Flagstaff Portrait – Charmed

I’ve known Mia since before she was born. I took pregnancy portraits of her mom and then made the first pictures of her in the hospital! She is as beautiful on the inside as she is outside. She has started a business that uses recycled materials to make wonderful accessories and donates a portion of each sale to non-profits. Check it out Second Time’s a Charm

flagstaff portrait photographer – framing your prints

A client recently came to see me, lugging a huge package of frames. She wanted to show me how she’d framed some of the prints she had ordered from me. She had placed the borderless, full frame 8×10 prints in the same sized frames… makes sense, right? Buy an 8×10 print, then put it in an 8×10 frame. Isn’t that what they make them for?

Later, we talked about matting and she got matted prints, placing them in some beautiful frames. The difference was dramatic and she wanted to share it with me. “Tell your clients about this!” she said. “The matted ones look so much better. I wish I had started there.”

Matted prints distinguish the images from your vacation photos and casual snapshots by placing an emphasis on the images as art. They say, “This is important to us. This matters.” The goal is to create unique, personal art for your home. The care you take in displaying the images goes a long way to reaching that goal.

So, look at the picture below … which ones look better to you?

You can find these particular frames at DardHunter.

Stroller Strides Flagstaff – hanging out with fit moms & happy babies

I headed to photograph my first Stroller Strides Flagstaff class not knowing what to expect. I guess I pictured a handful of moms running behind jogger strollers with easy-going babies snuggled patiently inside. It sounded like something I wouldn’t have been able to manage when my kids were at their very squirmiest. I could imagine them wriggling out of the stroller out of boredom before I was able to get my heaving lungs to push it halfway around the track. I arrived at Buffalo Park and happily had that expectation turned on its head.

Beth Sabol is a wonderfully talented trainer and teacher. She is both peer and cheerleader for her classes of strong and committed women. She brings her own young children with her so she walks the walk (jogs the jog?) as she spurs on the other moms. I was impressed with the variety of exercises she came up with, a majority of them designed to not only strengthen mom but to simultaneously entertain child – something I had never seen done so effectively before. The kids were fascinated watching the group of mothers stretch and lunge in front of them. Just as they got wiggly, they were off to run to the next stop. Never a dull moment. Well, almost. At one point, when the kids did, one by one, all start to make their impatience known, those determined mamas finished the reps they were working on, laughing at the growing momentary cacophony. The kids didn’t have to wait long for the fun to get going again. After the class, there was time to chat, share information and play.

I loved witnessing the camaraderie and mutual support, happy moms getting stronger and healthier, and the minor miracle of enthralled kids, along for the ride.

To see additional images from this shoot or to learn more about Stroller Strides, visit the Stroller Strides Flagstaff website.

Keiji Iwai & Kristen Dacey Iwai



724 N. Humphreys St

Flagstaff, AZ 86001



(928) 779-4151



M - F 9 - 5 by appointment

KDI Photography Portrait Studio in Flagstaff, Az